I haven't had the time to shift all of my files and settings over to the new user, but it seems like that's the only thing that's going to fix this. While on the phone we went through the process of deleting MS font caches and preferences - didn't work - reinstalling Office 2004 - didn't work - but what did work was to create a whole new user. The best I've been able to do is to use Onyx to delete font caches and then restart, then use FontBook to disable all the fonts I had disabled before (this is sped up by having created a set of fonts called "disable me" that contains everything I want to disable.). I have tried every "solution" I could find with google and none of them stick - if I have to log out or restart the problem returns. I spent a couple of hours on the phone with Microsoft yesterday regarding this issue - their position is that it's not their problem, it's a problem with the OS. Then start up normally, delete the Office font cache, and see what happens. (Start with the Shift key down let me know if you need more info than that). Do what you can to track your disabled fonts in Font Book, and do a Safe Boot to delete all the system font caches. If you have no old fonts or unaccompanied bitmaps, it's possible that the system caches have some bad info that Office is sensitive to.

Or, you can apply a label/color to various groups of fonts before you move them.

To keep track of which fonts are going in and out during this testing procedure, you can keep them alphabetical, noting which is the first/last of a group, and use other temporary folders if stuff comes back out. Of course, this presumes it's a single font that's the problem, which is not necessarily the case. Or, if there's a problem with the first half, take half of that group back out, etc. You can put half of the fonts back in if there's no problem, put half of the remaining group, etc. Then, move on to putting other fonts back in the folder a group at a time, continually checking with Word to see if it's working. Quit and restart Word to see if it still starts okay. It will put fresh copies of all its fonts in the User folder. Get rid of the Office font cache, and then run Word. Assuming all your fonts are in the User folder: working directly with the folder, not Font Book, move all the fonts into another, temporary folder. Unaccompanied bitmaps are generally ignored by OSX, and won't show up in Font Book, but some applications are more sensitive to them, and Office might be choking on that. This can happen behind your back, because companion suitcases can have more than just the Postscript companion. Check that you don't have bitmapped fonts unaccompanied by their Postscript printer files. Postscript Type 1's prior to 92 don't behave under OSX, so pull all of them out. Check the creation dates on all your fonts. Then, if (when) they're disabled by a troubleshooting procedure, you can turn them all off quickly by disabling the collection(s). If you have a gazillion fonts - and you must have a lot if you feel that un-disabling is not an option despite your problems - you should be working with collections anyway. Work in Font Book and make a collection that holds all your disabled fonts. In the latest version (2.0.2) this no longer re-enables all your fonts. get rid of Font Book's plist: user/library/preferences/.

IMPORTANT: with every thing that you try, and then you launch Word (or whatever), you have to get rid of the Office font cache after

If you want to avoid certain procedures because they'll reactivate all your fonts in Font Book, that makes the situation a little difficult, because it's hard to avoid that for certain problems even if the suggested fix doesn't work, you have to try it or you won't know that it doesn't work. When you're stuck in that long list of dialogs on Word launch, use Command-Option-Esc to force quit word instead of spending 5 minutes dismissing every dialog. Is my computer stuff, so that was unusual)įirst, a word about Word and Office stuff in general: when it finds what it thinks is a corrupt font, it then reports every one after that as corrupt. Sorry for the delay in following up on this life got in the way of my computer activities.